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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

When life gives you lemons…

Figure 1.0

*Disclaimer: This is an alcohol brand related campaign and is only open for participation by Non-Muslims aged 18 years and above*

If you go to beverage on sunny day or a comfort pint after a long day is none other than a cold Tiger beer, then guess what, you are going to love the all new Tiger Radler!

Combining the crisp and easy-drinking taste of Tiger Beer with natural lemon juice to produce a beverage that is doubly refreshing, it is THE perfect drink for every occasion.

There is a common phrase where people often said, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. It probably means that when bad stuff happens; try to make the best of it. Lemon itself is sour, where it relate to unhappy stuff in life, with lemonade which is sweet, meaning that make your life as happy and sweet as possible.

The combination of the crisp and refreshing taste of Tiger Beer with natural lemon juice which produce an incredibly thirst quenching drinks. It is gonna be double refreshing drinks, especially during the sunny weather in Asian country.

For more information, please visit Tiger Radler – Double Refreshment page!

Sources for Figure 1.0: Tiger Radler – Double Refreshment. 

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