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Friday, December 13, 2013

[MUST READ] SPM & O-Level students, here are your choices!

Figure 1.0

Take the next step to your limitless future with Pre-U programmes and scholarships offered by Taylor's College! Find out if you qualify for a scholarship, bursary or student discount now.

As the Chinese proverbs said, “One can be poor in terms of financial, but never be poor in terms of education”. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better.

Therefore, our new generations should never being abandoned from education, as it helps to nurture a future leader of the country.

Universities are helping out our new generations by offering them scholarships, so that everyone is treated equally fair in terms of education.

For more information, please visit Taylor’s Pre-U Scholarships page!

Sources for Figure 1.0: Taylor’s Pre-U Scholarships. 

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