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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Shoo Away The Achoo!

Figure 1.0

Finally! The blockbuster you have been waiting for is out! You are bought tickets to the first show with popcorn in hand. As you sit down, a guy comes in and sits next to you. Suddenly he explodes into a burst of sneezes!

What runs through your head at that moment?

“Argh, how am I going to enjoy my movie if I’m falling sick?”
“Shoot, I’m going to fall sick soon!”
“Oh no, I can’t afford to fall sick now, it’s the holidays!”

You may not be able to share your thought with the entire cinema, but you can share it on Blackmores Malaysia’s FB page! Join their “Shoo Away The Achoo” caption contest by sharing your thoughts when people go “Achoo!”. Just fill up the thought bubbles in the given scenario and you could win yourself some great prizes!

There will be 2 winners a week, with the Grand Prize winner walking away with an Ipod Nano and Product vouchers worth RM200, and the runner-up winning Product vouchers!

Shoo Away the Achoo: Share your thoughts

Cold and Flu symptoms are not just physical. There are also emotional and psychological symptoms. Share your thoughts when you hear someone Achoo!

Figure 2.0

Prizes to be won:
  • 1 X Grand Prize
    iPod Nano and product voucher total worth of RM500
  • 1 X Runner Up
    Product voucher worth RM200

Figure 3.0

To win, just share your thoughts in the blank bubbles

You are watching a movie when someone in the cinema cuts the suspense with a piercing sneeze. Share your thoughts when you hear them Achoo!

Sources from Blackmores Cine Ads. 
Sources for Figure 1.0: Blackmores Cine.
Sources for Figure 2.0: BlackmoresCine. 
Sources for Figure 3.0: BlackmoresCine.  

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