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Friday, December 9, 2011

Santa Churpie’s bringing you an iPhone 4s!

Figure 1.0

Churpies love the holiday season! And they are exclusively inviting 9 Churpers to their Christmas gift exchange sessions right in their cozy Churp Churp office.

Here’s the catch, do you think you have what it takes to spot cool and funny stuff that make people LOL?

Well, if your answer is “Challenge accepted!”, submit something to Churp Churp and the 9 Churpers who have submitted the top 3 most Liked, top 3 most tweeted, and top 3 most commented will be invited to a Christmas gift exchange on the 23rd December.

And, psst, one of the present is a brand new iPhone 4s!

Good luck and have a very Merry Christmas!

Figure 2.0

Everybody knows a friend who seems to be able to spot cool stuff that gets people excited, talking and sharing – and ARE you the person? Do you think you have what it takes to spot cool and funny stuff that make people LOL?

Figure 3.0

Christmas is fast approaching, and it’s time to spread love, joy and fuzziness in the heart with you Churpers with the Churp Churp Christmas Giveaway!

Here’s the deal. When you share a story on Churp Churp, visitors to Churp Churp have the option to “Like” your post, tweet about it or comment on the story if they like it. So that’s your mission, Churpers, should you choose to accept it – to submit something to Churp Churp that is the most shared/discussed among your friends!

The 9 Churpers who have submitted the top 3 most Liked, top 3 most tweeted, and top 3 most commented Churp Churp stories by December 23rd 2011 will be invited to a Christmas gift exchange right in their cozy Churp Churp office, where you will get to pick one gift each from the pile beneath their Christmas tree. You never know, you might be the lucky one to celebrate Christmas in style with the shiny new iPhone 4S!

Go ahead now and impress them & Churpers with your awesome stories! Just follow the simple steps below:
  • Step 1: Click on their new “Share Stories” feature here.

  • Step 2: Share something interesting with them. It can be a cute picture of pandas, an article that made you ROFL, a video which all your friends were watching, or anything else you think fellow Churpers would enjoy.

Figure 4.0

  • Step 3: Just keep sharing it and you will be notify via email if the story you have shared appears on the “Recent” tab in the “Read a Story” section. Kindly note that only stories that appear on the “Recent” tab in the “Read a Story” section qualify for the contest.
  • Step 4: Tell your friends about the story you have shared on ChurpChurp.com and get them to like it, tweet about it, or comment on it!
  • Step 5: Once your story appears on our main page, the 9 Churpers with the top 3 likes, 3 most tweeted and 3 most commented on stories respectively will be invited for the Churp Churp Christmas Giveaway at their office where you can randomly pick any of their cool hand-picked Christmas presents, especially you!

It is just that simple! Merry Christmas!

For more information, please visit Churp Churp.


Sources from Churp Churp – Santa ChurpieAds.
Sources for Figure 1.0: Churp Churp – Santa Churpie.
Sources for Figure 2.0: ChurpChurp – Santa Churpie.  
Sources for Figure 3.0: ChurpChurp – Santa Churpie. 
Sources for Figure 4.0: ChurpChurp – Santa Churpie.  

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