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Friday, October 10, 2014

It’s only a click away to give your friends a treat!

Figure 1.0

There is a new, easy and fun way to treat your friends with gift cards of their favourite brands or a brand that you have newly discovered.

There is a new application called “Kasi”, which it is a new gifting experience in an easy and fun way to treat friends with gift cards from your favourite or newly discovered brands. 

Now I know the first question triggered your thought will be… “How do I send the gift to my friends?”. To answer this, you simply pick friends from Facebook and select the gifts you would like to treat them with. With then, you surprised them over Facebook, Email or SMS. Gifts are sent instantly and can be redeemed right away at the store. Surprisingly, some of the gifts are free!

You will never realize that actually your little gift will made someone’s a day!

Figure 2.0

Download the apps today and explore the fun! 

For more information, please visit Kasi page!

Sources from Kasi Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: Kasi.

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