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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Watch what happens when World Cup fever takes over!

Figure 1.0

You know World Cup season is here when you start to see these symptoms in real life.

An every four years once big events, World Cup are back again this year!

You can always noticed the symptoms of so called “World Cup fever”, such as people sacrificing their night sleep for watching the match, people snoring during office hours, the hot topic discussion or debate all the time when meet up, and so on so forth.

It is also a great event that makes almost everyone around the world gathers together shouting on the excitement of the match and sharing with each other on the topic of the match that they watched. 

For more information, please watch the video clips of World Cup Fever by JinnyBoy TV.

Sources for Figure 1.0: World Cup Fever – JinnyBoy TV. 

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