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Saturday, November 5, 2011

What if your car is damaged and broken into at a shopping mall? Is the shopping mall liable?

We might have been taken advantage of our legal rights in the past without us knowing it. Your car broken into and damaged at a shopping mall, being overcharged for a repair, received unjustified summons, or salaries being withheld. Legal advice and support would be a big help in scenarios like these. 

Going through our daily lives, we tend to stumble upon a few mishaps that might seem like an “accident” we are responsible for and you tend to tell yourself...
  • “If I didn’t do this...”
  • “If I avoided it...”
  • “It wouldn’t have happened if...”
  • “It’s my fault”
But have you ever think carefully...

Is it really your fault?

For example, you park your car at a mall car park, and you come back only to find out your car has been damaged and broken into with your belongings all stolen.

You have paid to have your car parked there with the belief that your vehicle is in good hands. Is the mall’s car park operator liable for your loss?

You deserve to know your rights, especially when it involves scenarios you are very well familiar with!

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