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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Here’s to the refreshingly different!

Here’s to the refreshingly different! Get a taste of the full-flavoured, refreshing beer that’s filtered at -1˚C.

Touted as a quality brew with the crisp clear taste, Tiger Crystal in its sleek package won over the taste buds of beer lovers worldwide. Some enjoy it during after hour sessions at their favourite hang out spots while others simply pair it with their favourite cuisine over dinner. Sipping on an icy cold Tiger Crystal sounds like a plan too cool to resist!

Being refreshingly different as the brand suggests, Tiger Crystal would like to send you on a sub zero escapade to a place so cool that water freezes with time. Hop on over to the Tiger Crystal Facebook page for the deeds, baby!

How To Win? 
3 Easy Steps To Sweden’s ICEHOTEL®

Step 1
Take a picture of yourself at your favourite Tiger Beer outlet, holding a bottle of Tiger Crystal in a refreshingly different pose. Upload it on Tiger Beer Facebook page and publish it to your wall, then get your friends to vote for it.
Step 2
Key in your personal details, so they can contact you if you win.
Step 3
25 top-voted entries will be shortlisted. The most refreshingly different picture(s) from this shortlist will be selected to win the refreshing ICEHOTEL® experience.

Win A Stay There!

Sources from Tiger Crystal Ads.

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