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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The various types of World Cup fever.

Figure 1.0

Check out the various types of World Cup fever according to Jinnyboy.

In the earlier understanding of mine about Football Fever, I was mistaken that Football fever is referring to someone who sacrifice his sleep amid for watching World Cup match overnight and fall sick by having fever on the next day. Perhaps this could be considered of one type of World Cup fever as well?

Some explained that Football Fever is referring to people are getting crazy and addicted with the World Cup match such as chasing for the players performance, results of the match, and every single events happen during the match. Where the World Cup topic spread so fast just like how a normal fever sickness contagious around. People is like getting “fever” of talking around just about World Cup match among each other as daily hot topics.

Watch JinnyBoy video production for more explanations on various types of World Cup fever. 

For more information, please watch JinnyBoy TV short video!

Sources from JinnyBoy TV Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: JinnyBoy TV.

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