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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Starbucks New Rewards Program – Coming Soon!

Figure 1.0

Starbucks is introducing a new rewards program where it is estimated to be launching in early November.

Figure 2.0

With the new rewards program, you will be categorized in either one of the rewards eligibility category, which consists of:
  • Welcome Rewards
  • Green Rewards
  • Gold Rewards
Different level of rewards will have different privileges. 

Personally think that I still prefer one of their old rewards rules, where for new registered card member they are eligible for one complimentary drink redemption on their next visit, compared to the new rules of “buy on get one free” drink reward upon registration.

The reason being is because if I’m a new registered member, probably I might not be able to finish 2 drinks instantly on the spot as I might probably purchase the drink alone by that time. Hence, the get one free drinks might seem to be not meaningful for me (if I’m a new registered member). Just a thought of mine =)

The rewards program mentioned is only applicable for Starbucks Singapore.

Starts : Early November 2014.
Ends  : N/A

For more information, please visit Starbucks Singapore page!

Sources from Starbucks Singapore.
Sources for Figure 1.0: Starbucks Singapore.
Sources for Figure 2.0: Starbucks Singapore.

Note: The information on this post is only for sharing on new rewards program for Starbucks Singapore, for exact information on rewards, please refers to Starbucks Singapore website.  

Friday, October 17, 2014

1000 Starbucks Cards Giveaway from Qoo10!

Figure 1.0

Qoo10 is giving 1000 Starbucks Cards for FREE!

They will be giving:
  • 100 cards worth $10 a day, for 10 days.
  • No minimum spending is required.
  • Event is only applicable via mobile app.
  • Winners will be picked on a random basis.

What you need to do to get a chance to win the Starbucks Cards?

Just download the apps on your mobile and enter the apps to participate for the chances once a day. Hurry up! As the giveaway will be only available from 17th of October till 26th of October 2014!

Figure  2.0

This promotion is only available for Qoo10 Singapore.

For more information, please visit Qoo10 Singapre page!

Starts : 17th October 2014
Ends  : 26th October 2014

Sources from Qoo10 Singapore.

Note: The information on this post is only valid until 26th October 2014.   

Thursday, October 16, 2014

What happens when you start to connect with others?

Figure 1.0

Building a relationship starts somewhere. Maybe this is how it is done.

With the technology advances, many of us, especially the younger generations, where we named them as Gen-Y, do you find yourself neglecting the people you care about?

I believe many of us might not be aware that actually the elderly people around us could somehow feel that they are being isolated by technological advances that leave them having fewer chances to have a verbal communication with people around them. The reason being is because the younger generations spent most of their time with their own devices. A very clear example given is when having a family dinner in a dining restaurant, usually the younger generation today are busy texting, playing or browsing with their Mobile devices, neglecting communicating verbally with each other and being in their own world of technology. It becomes where the technology isolates them from a traditional happy family gathering for a dinner.  

There are always pros and cons about technology. Not saying that technology is totally not good to us or creates harms to the new generation. Indeed, the advance of technology has brought tremendous benefits to our world today. An example given here is where a family gathered in their living room or having activities outside, happily enjoy with the mobile device taking “Selfie” picture together. The question is more on, are you connecting right with technology? 

If we are applying Technology in a proper and balanced way in life, it will definitely bring more fun and happiness to all. Always remember that, Technology is just a tool and it depends on how Human apply the tool itself, just like a benefit of a knife, where it can be used for cutting and also can be used for committing crime.

For more information, please visit ChurpChurp page!

Sources from ChurpChurp Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: ChurpChurp. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

It’s only a click away to give your friends a treat!

Figure 1.0

There is a new, easy and fun way to treat your friends with gift cards of their favourite brands or a brand that you have newly discovered.

There is a new application called “Kasi”, which it is a new gifting experience in an easy and fun way to treat friends with gift cards from your favourite or newly discovered brands. 

Now I know the first question triggered your thought will be… “How do I send the gift to my friends?”. To answer this, you simply pick friends from Facebook and select the gifts you would like to treat them with. With then, you surprised them over Facebook, Email or SMS. Gifts are sent instantly and can be redeemed right away at the store. Surprisingly, some of the gifts are free!

You will never realize that actually your little gift will made someone’s a day!

Figure 2.0

Download the apps today and explore the fun! 

For more information, please visit Kasi page!

Sources from Kasi Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: Kasi.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Watch what happens when World Cup fever takes over!

Figure 1.0

You know World Cup season is here when you start to see these symptoms in real life.

An every four years once big events, World Cup are back again this year!

You can always noticed the symptoms of so called “World Cup fever”, such as people sacrificing their night sleep for watching the match, people snoring during office hours, the hot topic discussion or debate all the time when meet up, and so on so forth.

It is also a great event that makes almost everyone around the world gathers together shouting on the excitement of the match and sharing with each other on the topic of the match that they watched. 

For more information, please watch the video clips of World Cup Fever by JinnyBoy TV.

Sources for Figure 1.0: World Cup Fever – JinnyBoy TV. 

Life hacks to help you save money, exclusively for DiGi users!

Figure 1.0

Check out these amazing offers and discounts, exclusively for DiGi users.

Enjoy great discounts and offers at your favourite stores with DiGi!

There are numbers of stores partners with DiGi for exclusive promotions and offers during the festive mood of Ramadan!

For more information, please visit DiGi Monthly Offers page!

Sources for Figure 1.0: DiGi Monthly Offers. 

WIN a trip to Universal Studios, Hollywood – just by grabbing Oreos!

Figure 1.0

Play the Oreo Transformers Lab Grab game and stand a chance to win a trip to Universal Studios, Hollywood with your family!

Join the Oreo Transformers Lab Grab game today and there are few prizes to win!

What are the prizes to be won daily?
  • Mini iPad
  • Travel Luggage Trolley
  • Back Pack
  • T-shirt
  • Tumbler
  • Movie Ticket
For more information, please visit Oreo Transformers 4 page!

Sources for Figure 1.0: Oreo Transformers 4. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Taking a groufie has never been this easy!

Figure 1.0

Huawei is bringing to you a sleeker and sexier phone that lets you take awesome groufies.

Recently it has been so famous with a ubiquitous selfie using monopods, “Selfie sticks” or also known as “arm extenders”.  The trend for cameras on sticks actually is isn't new and a number of sticks are available for digital cameras. However, just recently the trend becomes popular again in Asia.

We often use social media all the time for photos sharing but when hanging out with bunch of people; it’s hard to take group photos using our camera device. Sometimes we do feel shy to ask someone around to take for us, and of course it is always easier to do it ourselves.

Now Huawei came out with a phone design that is sleeker and allows you to take group selfie easily, where you might not even need a Selfie stick any more. 

For more information, please visit Huawei – Vmall page!

Sources from Huawei - Vmall Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: Huawei - Vmall. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Exclusive for U Mobile subscribers!

Figure 1.0

Look forward to topping up your mobile because U Mobile is giving you a free meal while you’re at it! Redeem your Revive Isotonic drink and Mamee Express Cup noodles at all 7-Eleven outlets upon topping up.

It is available from 7-Eleven and dealers nationwide!

You can even continue with your chatting over phone while quenching your thirst with a free drinks or a cup of instant noodle to fill up your midnight hunger as supper.

This would definitely be a perfect combination while you watching World Cup match middle of the night at home, and you enjoying sharing over phone about the match with your friends or families, meantime you have free drinks and noodles with you!

For more information, please visit U Mobile page!

Sources from U Mobile Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: U Mobile.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The various types of World Cup fever.

Figure 1.0

Check out the various types of World Cup fever according to Jinnyboy.

In the earlier understanding of mine about Football Fever, I was mistaken that Football fever is referring to someone who sacrifice his sleep amid for watching World Cup match overnight and fall sick by having fever on the next day. Perhaps this could be considered of one type of World Cup fever as well?

Some explained that Football Fever is referring to people are getting crazy and addicted with the World Cup match such as chasing for the players performance, results of the match, and every single events happen during the match. Where the World Cup topic spread so fast just like how a normal fever sickness contagious around. People is like getting “fever” of talking around just about World Cup match among each other as daily hot topics.

Watch JinnyBoy video production for more explanations on various types of World Cup fever. 

For more information, please watch JinnyBoy TV short video!

Sources from JinnyBoy TV Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: JinnyBoy TV.

Why is everyone avoiding Kinkybluefairy?

Figure 1.0

The one thing that Kinkybluefairy won't leave home without from now on: Darlie Expert Fresh toothpaste!

Experts said, bad breath might be due to poor dental health care habits and it might also be a sign of other health problems. Sometimes, an unhealthy lifestyle habits will cause bad breath become worst as well.

There are several ways for preventing or cure bad breath. Some methods might only be temporary solutions and some will be temporary preventions for long term treatment.

Only by brushing and flossing more frequently on your teeth might not be that sufficient, especially for people with bad breath. In fact, types of toothpaste used for cleaning is important.

Darlie had recently launch their new products, Darlie Expert Fresh toothpaste, which clinically proven with advanced formulation of Zinc Citrate that effectively reduces oral bacteria and helps protect against bad breath.

With such protection and preventions against bad breath for your daily usage, you will never worry of how people might think of your weakness on bad breath. This also indirectly boosts up your confident towards yourself, especially when dealing with your clients. 

For more information, please visit Darlie Expert Fresh page!

Sources from Darlie Expert Fresh Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: Darlie Expert Fresh.
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