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Monday, November 11, 2013

Because smart kids ask why?

Figure 1.0

Your child's brain cells connect with every "Why" they ask. Anmum Essential builds the connections further with DHA & GA, and gives you the answers to your child's questions on their Facebook page!

Never lose the enthusiasm to answer your smart kids WHYs, because every WHY your child asks is a sign that they are learning, and their brain cells are connecting. Although sometimes it might be a non-stop questions and challenging to mums to answer them all, but never ever feel annoyed by their questions. Kids learn the fastest when they learn to ask and speak. 

Brain cell connections are important because when it gets connected, your child will be able to connect what he knows with solutions to new challenges. Therefore, the more connections are formed, the faster they learn and the more fresh discoveries they make. Nutrition is the most essential for the growth of your smart child.

For more information, please visit Anmum Essential page!

Sources from Anmum Essential Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: Anmum Essential. 

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