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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Keep those grains fresh!

Figure 1.0

Protect Your Rice Bowl - Rice Dispenser - 12KG - only RM84 [27% OFF] FREE 7-Day Nationwide Delivery!

Have you ever sighed in despair when you realized that your rice had been infested with rice bugs before you could finish the pack? Fret not, you can now store your rice and keep it fresh with this cool Rice Dispenser from Superfast Marketing! 

Get this Rice Dispenser for only RM89 now while you can!

The rise dispenser machine looks exactly like the candies vending machine, where we used to put the coins in the machine and it will dispense candies when twist on the holder. The differences here is the rice machine do not need any coins to be inserted in order to dispense the rice. Imagine if grocery stores use this rice dispenser as a rice selling machine which act exactly like the candies vending machine, then it will another great idea of selling rice. Just dispense by the amount that you like.

So what are you waiting for? It is such a good way for you to keep your rice to avoid it from being infested with rice bugs.

For more information, please visit WhiteMy – Rice Dispenser.

Sources for Figure 1.0: WhiteMy – Rice Dispenser.

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