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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It is springtime forever with flowers in your room!

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Classic Tall Wall Flowers Wall Stickers – only RM30 [48% OFF] FREE 7-Day Nationwide Delivery. 

Ever get the feeling that there is something missing from your room? Add a dash of whimsy to your décor with flowers on the wall – and you don’t even have to water it too! 

For a limited time only, White.My is offering the Classic Tall Wall Flower Wall Sticker for RM30 only. 

Sometimes, planting a flower can cause a mess when we need to take care of it. Clean up the dry out leaves or flowers is time consuming as well. However, we know that flowers always is the most natural and beautiful decoration which bring a classy addition to our living, dining or bedroom. Now with the Flower Wall Sticker, it makes your room looks beautiful and as classy as you like without any frustration of watering and taking care of it.

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