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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Make history with The Sparkle Project!

Figure 1.0

Many people dream of rubbing shoulders with their favourite superstars, but that is not always achievable. Being a part of your favourite celebrity’s music video could be the next best thing though!

Enter The Sparkle Project. One of their favourite local artistes, Yuna is on a mission to create the world’s first music video created entirely on the Samsung Galaxy Note, and she needs your help. Share your ideas with Yuna, and they will spark illustrations and animations which will come to life in the video.

Get inspired now, and who knows; you could be making history with The Sparkle Project!

 Figure 2.0

The Note:

The Samsung Galaxy Note is a new kind of mobile device – a phone or tablet hybrid, that brings the “personal touch” back into mobile technology with its unique precision S Pen that allows you to express yourself freely and organically by writing, sketching and cut-n-pasting on the Note, inviting your mind to wander and think freely. 

For more information, please visit The Sparkle Project.

Sources for Figure 1.0: The Sparkle Project.
Sources for Figure 2.0: The Sparkle Project. 

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