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Friday, March 16, 2012

80 tickets to the Tiger Asian Music Festival 2012 up for grabs!

Figure 1.0

It is heard of something big, something massive roaring in the distance Churpers; can you hear it too? It’s the Tiger Asian Music Festival 2012, and it’s happening very soon in the month of April! This year, Tiger promises to blow you away with LMF, Paul Yeong & Ka-Keung (BEYOND!), Jam Hsiao, MC HotDog, A Lin, Chang Chen-Yue, Mandhand as they come together to deliver explosive performances and all-new original collaborations!

Event: Tiger Asian Music Festival 2012
Venue : Sunway Lagoon
Date: April 14th 2012 (Saturday)
Time : 6:30PM

They are giving away 40 pairs of tickets to the Tiger Asian Music Festival 2012, and you can easily win a pair (2 tickers) for yourself & a friend! 

Here’s how:
Tell them which artiste you are looking forward to seeing the most at the Tiger Asian Music Festival by sharing this campaign.

Step One: Share this campaign via Twitter/Facebook including your answer to their simple question.

Step Two: Include the following keywords - #TigerAMF, @Churp2 (for Tweets) / @ChurpChurp (for Facebook updates)in your tweets/Facebook updates.

Step Three: Don't forget your Unique Link in the share that leads to their BLOG for more information on the contest.

The 40 most creative Tweets/Facebook updates will each win A PAIR (2) of tickets to the Tiger Asian Music Festival 2012 worth RM 118 each! Participate in this contest before 25th March 2012 guys!

Figure 2.0

Are you a fan of music from artistes in Asia? Tiger Asian Music Festival never fails to disappoint with power-packed line ups featuring the best of the best in the Asian music scene. 

This year, Tiger promises to blow you away with the big names representing rock, pop, hip-hop and more in Asia as they come together to deliver explosive performances as well as all-new original collaborations.

Figure 3.0

There are so many artistes performing. From the legendary rock band, multi-talented Taiwanese songwriter, guitarist, dance DJ, talented Taiwanese singer, local hip-hop band, Taiwanese rapper, and many more. 

What are you waiting for, Churpers? Don’t miss this chance to rock out with the biggest names in Asian music next month! 

For more information, please visit on the Tiger Asian music Festival 2012. 

Sources for Figure 1.0: Tiger Asian Music Festival.
Sources for Figure 2.0: Tiger Asian Music Festival. 
Sources for Figure 3.0: Tiger Asian Music Festival.

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