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Saturday, January 18, 2014

In with the positive chi, out with the clutter!

Figure 1.0

Say neigh to clutter in the Year of the Horse, and head on to the IKEA store to get inspired by storage solutions that will transform your home for the year ahead! Ong ah!

A new year with a new look of your house! Have you starts preparing and decorating your house for coming Chinese New Year celebration? Every year during Chinese New Year will be the day where most relatives come for a visit of our house as this is the time where big family gathering forms. It’s the culture of the Chinese since ages ago!

Head to IKEA and you might just easily find the things that you would like to fix it to your house decoration.

For more information, please visit IKEA Malaysia page!

Sources from IKEA Malaysia Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: IKEA Malaysia. 

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