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Friday, August 30, 2013

No matter what race we are, we all sweat the same colour.

Figure 1.0

We have already shown how powerful we can be when we stand united, when we helped Rexona achieve a collective accomplishment of 10,695km worth of moves for Rexona Move in less than a month.

Don't stop moving now – it is your last chance to do good and help the needy with your moves, so go on and sweat it out tomorrow! Gaining independence? No sweat. Living in harmony? No sweat. This too, is no sweat for us!

Participate on the Rexona Move today! It is a fun initiative for you to work up a sweat and be active. Your move will be converted into distance and combine with other users’ moves to cover the length of Malaysia. The total distance will be turned into donations to help underprivileged children in every state in Malaysia.

Get Rewarded For Your Sweat! 

Get your sweat to go the distance and start unlocking badges, achieving milestones and win prizes. The highest achievement wins an iPad mini!

For more information, please visit Rexona Move page! 

Sources from Rexona Move Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: Rexona Move. 

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