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Monday, May 6, 2013

Here’s to your future!

Figure 1.0

Making a decision for your future is never an easy one especially when it comes to deciding your career path.

Join Sector Focused Career Fair this 15-16 May 2013 to listen to insightful career talks, meet potential companies and employers to help you make your choice! 

Don’t miss this great networking opportunity! See you there.

Figure 2.0

Date: 15th & 16th May 2013
Venue: Dewan Tunku Canselor, University Malaya.
Time: 9AM – 5PM

Now all students and fresh graduates can seek advised on the choices of the career path available. 

From the event itself, I pretty believe you could get career guidance to find the jobs matching your needs and interests. Always get ready to prepare yourself with the right tools in order to ready yourself for professional career development.

I had seen quite a number of the young people, especially fresh graduates, are confused with which career path they should choose when they start to step in society for work. Career path is something that you should choose correctly with your own interest else, it will be regrets in life after years of struggling in life. Your career path is best relates to your ambition when you were young or kid. Many of us has forgotten our words when we were young, where the famous sentence of, “I wanted to be ________ when I grow up one day!”. However, once we grown up, our “wanted to be” ambition has slowly disappeared from our thoughts.

Every one of us has blind spots, where it need to be discovered by others and advise us. Discover your strengths, skills, and talent from the questions you ask on others in order to know better of yourself. This could help you to answer what you don’t know, you don’t know about yourself, and only with that we could improve ourselves to excel better in our career. 

The first thing in searching for your own career path is to think carefully about what really drives you. Don’t just think of “which career pays the most”, which I think is wrong where many people think so. The most important is the value of the career to you itself where it could lead you to have your passion on it. When you find your passion and you work seriously on something, it definitely will pays you more than your expect. 

For more information, please visit UM Sector Focused Career Fair 2013 page!

Sources for Figure 1.0: UM Sector Focused Career Fair 2013.
Sources for Figure 2.0: UM Sector Focused Career Fair 2013.

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