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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Do what you love!

Figure 1.0

myStarjob is a career services website that links job seekers with their perfect jobs. The website has been revamped with value added services apart from online and print jobs listings such as:
  • Visume – Malaysia’s first video resume service allows job seekers to submit and upload their visumes online to apply for jobs! It even allows employers to conduct ‘live’ video interviews with potential candidates too. 
  • 16-page Career Guide - Available in The Star newspaper every Saturday (and online), it is a valuable resource for talents seeking professional advice and opportunities. It is a great place for organisations to showcase their profile to attract talent and build their reputation too! 
  • Training services – Seminars, workshops, on-ground trainings, and talks by industry leaders offered will help achieve the single-minded purpose of building better talents in the workforce. 
Make that dream job real on myStarjob! What’s more? Stand to win a Proton Persona when you submit your resume!

For more information, please visit myStarjob2 page!

Sources from myStarjob2 Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: myStarjob2.

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