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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hey beautiful, wanna see how paradise looks like?

Figure 1.0
How you doing? If you are suave like Bond and charming like Ryan Reynolds, a getaway with sun, sea and surf await you.
Show off your most impressive pick-up lines and moves on the ladies, and you could be representing Malaysia on a trip to AXE Anarchy Island in the Caribbean.

It will be the ultimate showdown for the most devastatingly dashing of them all! Will you be the one to take that spot? 
Figure 2.0


AXE has reserved TWO (2) invites to the all-expense paid 4 Days 3 Nights trip, exclusively for Nuffnangers! In addition, there will be 10 consolation prizes consisting of 1 year worth of AXE products worth RM200!

So what you need to do in order to win the prizes?

Step 1: Create a blog post titled “AXE Anarchy Island Getaway” and showcase your best efforts at being suave/charming to the opposite sex. Also tell the world why you deserve to be sent to Anarchy Island!

Step 2: If you REALLY want to win, include a video submission showing what the term “uncontrollable attraction” actually is. This would score you some extra points BIG TIME!

Step 3: Once you are done with the post, submit the permalink in the form from ContestSubmission – AXE Anarchy Island Getaway.

The contest end on 31st August 2012 (Friday).

Sources for Figure 1.0: AXE Anarchy Island Getaway Contest.
Sources for Figure 2.0: AXE Anarchy Island Getaway Contest.

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