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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Have you watched THE biggest summer blockbuster?

Figure 1.0

Who is your favourite Avenger?

Tony Stark – Genius, billionaire, playboy and a philanthropist.
Steve Rogers – Super soldier, literally blasted from the past.
Hulk – Green raging monster with a good heart.
Thor – The one and only God of Thunder.
Black Widow – The sexy, kick ass martial artist.
Hawkeye – The world’s best archer who never misses a target.

If you haven’t watched The Avengers, you’re missing out THE biggest summer blockbuster ever! If you have… well, there’s no reason to watch it again and again, because we can’t get enough of these superheroes. Don’t be left out when your friends are quoting Thor in conversations!

Figure 2.0

Figure 3.0

The movie “The Avengers” hit the popularity recently. The craze about the ultimate alliance is still going strong. We know even some of our friends who have watched the movie 2-3 times already! Even everyone is sharing memes, parodies, illustrations and merchandise on social media platforms!

For more information, please visit Marvel’s The Avengers Malaysia page.

Sources from Marvel’s The Avengers Malaysia Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: Marvel’s The Avengers Malaysia.
Sources for Figure 2.0: Marvel’s The Avengers Malaysia.
Sources for Figure 3.0: Marvel’s The Avengers Malaysia.  

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