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Friday, April 27, 2012

German quality has arrived. You in?

Figure 1.0

The people's car. Are you in love with Volkswagen?

As the new sleek Volkswagen Polo Sedan ride is out with a price tag too good to be true, showcase your fan side through this photo montage that takes up the shape of a Volkswagen Polo Sedan and declare yourself a true fan of Volkswagen and fine German engineering.

Figure 2.0

Everybody Loves Volkswagen.

German quality has arrived.

The new Polo Sedan is here! Show your love. Declare yourself a fan of Volkswagen and German engineering. Join them in celebrating a true car for the masses by leaving your mark of approval. After all, this car was designed with you in mind. 

The new Volkswagen Polo Sedan is especially created for the discerning few who can appreciate true value and seek out the good things in life. Expect nothing less than the best of German engineering. It is one of the most stylish, comfortable, spacious and practical rides for our times. 

For more information, please visit Volkswagen.

Sources for Figure 1.0: Volkswagen Polo Montage.
Sources for Figure 2.0: Volkswagen Polo Montage. 

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