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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Do you agree with Him? or Her?

Figure 1.0

You know when it comes to cars, you want it designed as personalize as possible, the design, the interior, the style, and the colour. You want to be seen in a car that impresses everyone and expresses your personality.

So recently engaged couple, both Timothy and Audrey agreed that Kia Optima K5 is the ideal car for Audrey. They are happy and impressed with Peter Schreyer's design, interior and style, but the only thing they couldn't agree on was the right colour!

She wants it pink, he wants it any other colour but not pink! Now what do you think? Will pink be your choice for the Optima K5? Or do you think she should pick another colour? Are you on Team Audrey For Pink or Team Timothy Say No to Pink?

Now I think it’s a nice car... just not... in that colour.

So, what colour would yours be?

For more information, please visit Kia Optima K5 – Pink.

Sources from Kia Optima K5 - Pink Ads. 
Sources for Figure 1.0: Kia Optima K5 – Pink. 

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