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Monday, January 30, 2012

Flash mob Malaysian style!

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Are you a fan of flash mob videos? MAS was adventurous enough to make a bang at KLIA recently with an epic flash mob you shouldn't miss out on!

Check out all the people dancing and singing in the airport - wouldn't you want this to greet you every time you arrive at the airport? We wonder how foreign visitors felt when they witnessed the whole flashmob, there's no better way to say Selamat Datang to Malaysia huh?

Official Video: Malaysia Airlines Missing You Flashmob at KLIA

Passengers arriving at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) on Saturday, 14 January 2012 were greeted with a flash mob as they made their way out of the Arrival Hall on Level 3. Much to the delight of unsuspecting onlookers, plus the odd stare in disbelief, visitors at KLIA witnessed some 100 singers and dancers break into spontaneous entertainment as part of Malaysia Airlines' special flash mob event held to welcome the New Year with a bang.

Sources from MAS Flash mob Ads.
Sources for Figure 1.0: MAS Flash mob. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Vrooom to a prosperous Chinese New Year!

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A feisty season will befall upon us as the Dragon Year is here! The maker of The People's Car wishes you the best of 2012!

Be sure to enjoy the oranges, joyous company and the ang pows! Gong Xi Gong Xi!

Volkswagen Malaysia Ushers in the Year of the Dragon!

The advertisement is so creative! Happy Chinese New Year!

Sources for Figure 1.0: Volkswagen – Chinese New Year.
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